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Over Piper-Heidsieck

Piper-Heidsieck is one of the oldest French champagne houses which perpetuates its tradition of bold audacity since 1785. Present in more than 100 countries, the House is world-renowned as one of the major thrilling champagne brand combined to high-level quality champagnes. Its unparalleled excellence, unique production processes and sustainable elaboration approach have garnered numerous prizes and awards in France and abroad thanks to the expertise of generations of Cellar Masters endorsed today by Emilien Boutillat, a young and talented Chef de Caves, rising star of the Champagne region. Piper-Heidsieck has been voted Best Champagne House in the World by the BWW (Best Wine in the World 2021 competition) which rewards an everyday commitment behind strong values of common passion for the wine&food universe, excellence, sustainability, open-mindedness and power of sharing & learning from a multicultural environment.